Police Matters – Traffic Offences and Criminal Charges
Traffic Offences
We can assist you with all Traffic matters including:
• Drink and/or drug driving;
• Careless and/or dangerous driving;
• Exceeding the speed limit;
• Driving whilst disqualified or suspended;
• Driving without a licence;
• Application for a Restricted Licence (commonly referred to as a “work licence”);
• Application for a Special Hardship Order; and
• Other driving offences.
If you are charged with an offence, it is imperative that you seek legal advice immediately. We do not recommend participating in a Police record of interview unless you have spoken with a solicitor first.
If you need assistance in dealing with your traffic matter, please contact us to arrange a consultation with one of our solicitors to discuss how we can assist you.
Criminal Charges
We can assist you with all Criminal matters including:
• Common assault, serious assault, assault occasioning bodily harm, assaults or obstructing a police officer;
• Breach of suspended sentences, probation, community service order;
• Failure to appear, resisting or hindering police;
• Fraud, Stealing, receiving tainted property, handling proceeds of crime, theft, breaking and entering;
• Possession, producing, dealing in illicit drugs;
• Public nuisances, disorderly conduct, offensive language or behaviour;
• Prohibited weapons and firearm offences.
If you are charged with an offence, it is imperative that you seek legal advice immediately. Do not participate in a Police record of interview unless you have spoken with a solicitor first.
If you need assistance in dealing with your criminal matter, please contact us to arrange a consultation to discuss how we can assist you.