Wills, Power of Attorney and Estate Planning
It is very important that everyone over the age of 18 years has a current Will. There are many traps for the unwary in the preparation of a Will and how the contents of a Will are worded. Our firm has extensive experience, backed up by regular updates in contemporary estate issues, to ensure that we can give you the best advice and assistance in preparing your Will.
When drafting a will, business structures such as companies, trusts and self-managed superannuation funds must be considered and increasingly, taxation and superannuation issues are impacting on how Wills are drafted.
A professionally drafted will is essential to ensuring your assets are protected and distributed to your intended beneficiary.
Contact us to speak to one of our experienced Solicitors regarding your estate planning matters, for peace of mind for yourself and your family.
Enduring Power of Attorney
An Enduring Power of Attorney is a vitally important document for anyone over the age of 18 years. Whilst your Will is important, it does not have any legal effect until you die. If at any time you are injured, ill or otherwise incapable of managing your own affairs, it is not automatic that anyone else has the right to step in and look after your personal affairs for you. If you were incapable of managing your own affairs, who would attend to paying the bills?
An Enduring Power of Attorney is a document where you appoint a person or people whom you trust to be able to step in and look after your personal affairs for you, for your benefit and on your behalf until such time as you are in a position to resume control of your affairs yourself. It is important to give careful consideration as to how an Enduring Power of Attorney should be set up to suit your circumstances.
Please contact us to speak to one of our experienced Solicitors about this important document which can protect your family and your property.
Advance Health Directive
An Advance Health Directive is a document where you can give a direction to your health care providers as to what treatment you do or do not wish to receive, if you are severely injured or terminally ill. An Advance Health Directive gives you control over the treatment that you may receive and serves to relieve your family and loved ones of what can be an extremely difficult decision at a time of crisis.
Please contact us to discuss your Advance Health Directive with our experienced Solicitors to ensure that your wishes are properly recorded and safeguarded for you.
Estate Planning
Careful thought is required when planning how you may wish to pass on your assets to the next generation- farm and business succession planning, with the common use of Trusts, Companies and Superannuation structures can be very complex. At Apels we have the experience and knowledge to help you through the planning process, to work with your accountant and other professional advisers and to prepare the legal steps required to give effect to your wishes.